Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Social Status

Have you ever wondered what your social status in society is? Are you so aware of your social status that you tend to turn a blind eye to ethics and morals? Do you see yourself as higher in status than most or below standard?

I ask these questions cause it has been something I have been thinking of in regards to how people see me in society. Some people tell me up front that I am nice, have a great energy and give great hugs. But outside of that, when I go out into the world do people look down on me because I wear a bright orange  shirt that says Allmart or do they they look up to me because I have chosen the route of being a business owner? 


I was having this discussion with my sister where I mentioned that as we go through the world we look at people and place them in a mental box of being in a higher status bubble or a lower status bubble. These depend on:
 1. Age
 2. Experience 
 3. Knowledge 
 4. Wealth
 5. Masculinity 
 6. Race

    When you first see someone and they are older, it is more likely that people around them will show them a higher level of respect in society. They are expected to have experienced more and know more than people younger them. It may change when they open their mouth or when they do certain things; but primarily, just looking at them you look at them and their status in society is quite high. 

    Experiece, especialy in the arts and work world, adds to your social status. The more experience one has over others makes them more valuable. The more technical the field the more respect people have in society. A lawyer who recently passed the Bar and never stepped foot in a courtroom, is seen as the lowest status in the firm, compared to a lawyer who has been operating for the past 5 years and is a regular in the courtroom. 

    Crazy thing about knowledge is that most of the time you can't tell how knowledgable someone is until you start to get to know them better. Knowing a lot about one thing and knowing a little about everthing is one of the greatest things one can have. Both of these people know that they dont know anything and strive to learn more. As soon as you open your mouth and express your knowledge the higher your status rises!!! People begin to realize that people with knowledge are not pushovers and gain a higher levele of respect.

    With wealth there is a higher chance of gaining more experiences and knowledge. So people seeing you with wealth will automatically want to suck up to you. Whether you are a politician, businessperson, investor, family wealth, society puts you on a higher pedestal than others. 

    Look at a child and have its mother give it a directive versus its father. There is a subconscious level of superiority that comes with Masculinity. Whether it is the deeper voice, the bigger size, the strength, there is a level of superiority that masculinity receives. The reason I use Masculinity instead of the male sex is because there are women who has more masculinity than some men. Their voices are deep and carry authority, their body stature is bigger (taller, bulkier), they are strong and know how to use their strength. Even though a more masculine woman is still lower than a masculine man, a masculine woman trumps an effeminate man. 

    When it comes to race, this is what you were taught by the people around you. You could be raised in a place where it is predominantly black but the white people have the power roles in society, you will think that white people have superiority over you. With how the world is socialized, unless the place is only one race, white people have been given priority and superiority. 

Plus with all of these categories you have a high chance of meeting new people who may benefit you in many ways. Even if it is to introduce you to others or share your name to people who may need your services.

So let me give you an idea of how the categories above work:

Elon Musk - White, Rich, Man, Experience in tech, Knowledge of tech, and is in his 50s. 

Musk is seen at a higher esteem than a black woman starting a business, with knowledge in customer service and experience in hospitality and is in her 30s.


That is also a reason why people sue for defamation and slander. Trying to taint a persons social status in society has critacal affects in their life. 

Some people are born into a lower status and are treated as such, while some are born into a higher status and exploit it to their benefit. 

Is there any other categories you think affects how people see and categorize others?


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Time flies!!!

 I bet no one really checks here anymore because I dont post here much. LOL

So since I saw a friend of mine had posted on her blog recently, I wanted to pop in and say howdy. 

A lil update on what the hell is going on currently in my life. 

1. I am still working with Allmart as a delivery driver. 4 years and counting. It makes a decent amount of money once the time is put in. The time I put in is basically 10 hours 6 days a week (give or take a few hours on the weekend). Looking back on where I have seen Allmart has done, it has grown. 

2. I am the owner of a business. 😊 A legit business. Watching people operate a business and actually owning a business is different!! I can see why people form partnerships or have a strong team working under them. It is a lot. Between operations, marketing, financials, taxes, innovation when it comes to the business, this is a 3-5 man task. Especially operating in Antigua, I dont even have staff and the thought of that scares me.  

Oh if you want to check me out it is WADADLI SPACES. I have an instagram, facebook, X, thread, and a website all by that handle. We (cause as a solotrepreneur the company and me are a we) are a Coworking Space operating out of Antigua. Currently operating as an open plan office space and an event space. 

3. I help out with property management. Not sure how good I am at it but I am doing it. Dealing with people is crazy. If you do not find the right tenants you are setting yourself for a whole heap of hurt. Mainly in your pocket. 

4. Health and mentally, I could be in a better state of being but I feel as things start to fall into place, I would be able to focus more on myself. WISH ME LUCK!!!

I truly plan on popping in more often as I have a space where I can be comfortable with posting here. 

Pop in to Wadadli Spaces, check out the space or even just to say hi!!! We are here Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm.



Thursday, June 16, 2022

My FitPot Journey Day 14

It is day 14 of my FitPot Journey. Half way mark. On this day i will be taking it a bit will be no work outs and easy on the food

Below is my day's stats.




Black coffee

3 Rice cakes with pepperoni and cheese.

Chicken shawarma.

Fried corned beef, veg, and Mac & cheese

Rice cakes with honey

1 glass of wine



My FitPot Journey Day 13

It is day 13 of my FitPot Journey. My leg muscles are sore!!!! My legs feel like they are all ripped up and if i step wrong my knees tells me "I will drop you! Don't test me!" I know that working on my muscles is the first steps and the eating makes sure that everything else goes smoothly. 

Below is my day's stats.


30 mins morning walk


Black coffee

Subway Tuna Salads with bacon

Stew Chicken, veg, and white rice

Rice cakes with honey and cinnamon



Tuesday, June 14, 2022

My FitPot Journey Day 12

It is day 10 of my FitPot Journey. The motivation is low but I still trying to push the exercises. 

Below is my day's stats.


Bridges (10 reps X 3 sets)
Straight Leg Extension (10 reps X 3 sets)
Hamstring curls (10 reps X 3 sets)
Quad Set  (10 reps X 3 sets)
Heel Toe flexes (10 reps X 3 sets)


Black coffee

Subway Meatball Marinara Salads

Ground turkey, macaroni and veg.

4 rice cakes with honey and cinnamon



Monday, June 13, 2022

My FitPot Journey Day 11

It is day 11 of my FitPot Journey. The motivation is even lower but I still trying. I feel my muscles are strengthening but I know I still not taking in enough food and water.

Below is my day's stats.


30 mins morning walk


Black coffee

Subway Chicken Teriyaki Salads

Stew Pork, veg, and fried breadfruit

Rice cakes with honey and cinnamon

1 glass of wine.



My FitPot Journey Day 10

It is day 10 of my FitPot Journey. The motivation is low but I still trying to push the exercises. 

Below is my day's stats.


Bridges (10 reps X 3 sets)
Straight Leg Extension (10 reps X 3 sets)
Hamstring curls (10 reps X 3 sets)
Quad Set  (10 reps X 3 sets)
Heel Toe flexes (10 reps X 3 sets)


Black coffee

Subway Veggie Delight Salads

Chinese Food - Chicken Chowmein 

1 glass of wine.



Saturday, June 11, 2022

My FitPot Journey Day 9

It is day 9 of my FitPot Journey. It was an all around hard day to maintain everything proper. Because I went to bed late it messed me up with doing exercises. My body also feels like it isn't getting enough, when it comes to food.

Below is my day's stats.


Morning 30 mins walk 


Black coffee

Subway Vegetable Delight  Salad 

Italian B.M.T 6" Flatbread.

Pepperoni pizza 

3 mangoes

1 glass of wine.



Friday, June 10, 2022

My FitPot Journey Day 8

It is day 8 of my FitPot Journey. 8 days of exercises and attempts at eating healthy!!! My goal for the day was to drink more water so 70 ounces  (2lt) of water today. I reached it!!!

Below is my day's stats.


I have enjoyed this one so much that i did it again.


Black coffee

Subway Melt Salad with turkey, ham and bacon.

Stew pork, pasta, veg and boiled plantains.

3 mangoes

1 glass of wine.



my FitPot Journey Day 7

It has officially been a week since I have been on my FitPot Journey. 7 days of exercises and attempts at eating healthy!!! My goal for the day was to drink more water so 70 ounces  (2lt) of water today. Sadly i didn't reach it but then again there is always tomorrow.

Below is my day's stats.


Morning 30 mins walk


Black coffee

3 rice cakes with KFC sauce, cheddar cheese and pepperoni

Subway Salad 
Stew chicken, pasta, veg and boiled plantain

1 glass of wine.



Wednesday, June 8, 2022

My FitPot Journey Day 6

It is day 6 of my Fitpot Journey. I am getting back into this. 🎉🎉 My body doesn't ache for too long after the exercises and with some of these exercises my body is used to them. My eating is more mindful. I enjoy being able to get my salad from Subway for an affordable price. My goal for the day was to drink more water so 70 ounces  (2lt) of water today. I believe that because I started late in beginning to drink water I didn't make that goal.

Below is my day's stats.


Came across this video and liked some of the exercises so I added them in:

Quad Set (10 seconds x 3 sets)

Bridges (10 seconds x 3 sets)

Side lying Hip Abductions(10 seconds x 3 sets)

Bent Leg up crunches (10reps x 3 sets)

Planks (10 seconds x 3 sets)

Straight Leg Lifts (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Hamstring Curls (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Wall Push ups  (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Air punches  (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Arm circles  (10reps each leg x 3 sets)


Black coffee

3 rice cakes with cheddar cheese and pepperoni slices

Subway Veggie Delight Salad

Stew Pork, Pasta, boiled plantain and steamed cabbage



Tuesday, June 7, 2022

My FitPot Journey Day 5

Sorry for this one being late.

It is day 5 of my Fitpot Journey. Today was better with my eating but not with my exercise. My body was feeling exhausted. So the exercises we pathetic.

Below is my day's stats.


Planks (10 seconds x 1 set)

Straight Leg Lifts (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Hamstring Curls (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Knee extensions (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Also came across a video that had some good workouts to build up the muscles around my knees.


3 Fried Eggs and fried plantains

Subway Veggie Delight Salad

Rice Cakes with honey and cinnamon

Vegetable Rice, Diced Chicken Breast, Cabbage and other veg, and boiled plantains 




Sunday, June 5, 2022

My FitPot Journey: Day 4

It is day 4 of my Fitpot Journey. I had realized my eating had been very poor. Possibly the actual cause of my weight gain. However, i try to keep the exercise up to make sure my muscles are getting stronger. I shall be going to bed with a headache and a stiff stomach bug i know that in the morning i will be feeling better.

Below is my day's stats.


Squats (10reps x 3 sets)

Modified Jumping Jacks (10reps x 3 sets)

Leg up crunches (10reps x 3 sets)

Bicycle crunches (10reps x 1.5 sets)

Planks (10 seconds x 3 sets)

Straight Leg Lifts (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Hamstring Curls (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Knee extensions (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Heel & toe raise (10reps x 3 sets)


A KFC zinger and milkshake

A bun, butter, cheese and salami

3 mangos



Saturday, June 4, 2022

my Fit Pot Journey Day 3

It is day 3 of my Fitpot Journey 

So apparently the exercise part of it, i misunderstood. I was supposed to be doingl exercises twice a day, not once. Today on the plan had me going to the gym which confused me.

Plus my eating is atrocious. As you will see below. Work in progress. 


30 mins walk around the neighborhood

Knee Ups while walking (10reps X 3 sets) each leg



Black Coffee 

Goat Water

KFC box (well the Strips and wings. I gave away the fries and biscuit)


Friday, June 3, 2022

My Fitpot Journey Day 2

It is day 2 of my Fitpot Journey. I had increased my water intake and added some exercises to my regimen. My eating is still a bit spotty, but Subway was having a special on salads, so that was great.

Below is my day's stats.


Wall pushups (10reps x 3 sets)

Russian Twists (10reps x 3 sets)

Crunches (10reps x 3 sets)

Bicycle crunches (10reps x 3 sets)

Heel Touches (10reps x 3 sets)

Planks (10 seconds x 3 sets)

Straight Leg Lifts (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Hamstring Curls (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Knee extensions (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Heel & toe raise (10reps x 3 sets)


Black Coffee w/ cinnamon 

2 rice cracker plain

Subway Salad.

Rice and corned beef
The final rice crackers with cheesy dip

Thursday, June 2, 2022

My Fitpot Journey Day 1

As I go through my daily and weekly routines of work, home, Netflix, sleep and repeat, I have been observing a few things happening with my body. 

Between my swollen feet, my knee aches and the consistent brain fog, I have come to the conclusion that it was time for me to lose weight. 

I saw that a friend of mine who had held this event 4 time before was having a fifth season. 


It is a space that gives you financial incentives to lose weight. You join in and pay into the "Pot" and then the money would then be pooled together as the prize pot. As a member we get incentives, exercise and eating guides which we can follow or do what we want to do. At the beginning of the month each participant is weighed and given a goal of 4-5% weight loss. At the end of the 4 weeks another weigh in occurs and the individuals who manage to reach their goals get to divide the Pot.

The last 2 times I joined (Season 1 and 3), I lost because I was going on the basis that just the change in diet would make me lose my allotted 4-5%. This time because of all the actual ailments I am going to incorporate much physical activities and try and maintain good eating habits. I shall be quite transparent with you right now. My starting weight is ...  261.6lbs :( To reach my goal I would have to go down to 249lbs. I shall share my journey hear to keep me extra motivated. Or at least have you hold me accountable. 

Sadly as the first day it posed to be quite difficult. 

This morning I woke up feeling so exhausted that I didn't go on my morning walk with my sister. It took me quite a while to get out of bed much less to do any kind of exercise. 

I crawled out of bed after seeing some of the other participants talking in the support group and decided to do my work outs for the day. My only concern was my knees. So I found a knee friendly exercise and shared it in the group (AMEN TO TIK TOK)


Wall pushups (10reps x 3 sets)

Overhead punches (10reps x 3 sets)

Arm Circles (10reps x 3 sets)

Planks (10 seconds x 3 sets)

Straight Leg Lifts (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Hamstring Curls (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Knee extensions (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Heel & toe raise (10reps x 3 sets)

DIET: I dropped the ball here :( 

Cheese Omelet for breakfast (8am)

Fried Chicken Chow Mein (6pm)

Sautéed Veg and Sheppard's Pie (8pm)

Tomorrow will be better (I hope). 



Wow... just wow.

 2022... What the fuck are you doing to me?

These rollercoaster of feelings are killing me slowly. 

I truly don't know what is going on with life right now. 

I feel lost in the aspect of career. I have physically gotten weaker which has affected my mental state.

My social state has become so isolating. When having people approach me in a social or romantic way I feel uneasy. 

Between Covid, the rise in all prices (especially gas), impending elections, lack of water, and my goal to start a business. I AM EXHAUSTED. 

And that is even outside of even the world things. Wars, shootings, Johnny Depp/Amber Heard, Will Smith/Chris Rock, RECESSION!!!


SO what I shall focus on right now is the following:

My health - physical and mental

Building up my finances

Building an online community for Wadadli Spaces

Assisting with the Property Management of the Apartments. 

OBVIOUSLY, I wont put the quantifiable goals here but going into the second half of 2022. I strive to be better. Physically, Mentally, Socially, and Financially.

I have considered sharing my physical journey here. But we will see how that works!!



Tuesday, September 28, 2021

What Role Do you hold in your life?

Lately, I have been hearing this statement. Being the Main Character in your life. With this comes all the Lifestyle Gurus sharing their opinions on how to develop yourself into being the Main character. Like life is a movie or something.

Alot of the tips do overlap and make sense. Not all the time you want to be putting other people first. Well I am not gonna be going over those tips and opinions. 

Instead, I am expressing how much of an Extra to my life. Sitting in the background, walking pass the camera lenses, cheering others on from the background. Not even a supporting role, where I am interacting with the main character.

This may be diet related, lack of physical activity, or just me coping with the world we living in.

What Role do you see yourself holding in your life?

Friday, September 10, 2021

It's not about you

Facebook be asking me what is on my mind. Now I gonna be asking you for your perspective.

I been on this blue marble (or disk if you are a flat earther) called Earth. I am looking at the word now and thinking ... Goddamn that is a weird word. EARTH.

Sorry I got a lil distracted😅. But yea I been here observing, learning, comprehending. I am seeing history repeating itself with different factors added in. I am seeing the understanding of mental health on the rise. I am also seeing the ability of the ... Masses to share their opinions over facts.

So I gonna share an observation and I would like YOUR PERSPECTIVE/OPINION/THOUGHTS. If you have kids great. If you passed the age of 30 fab. If you have dependants  lovely. If not I still wanna hear from you.

As a parent and an adult child (between the age of 20-50), you should understand that your kids/parents don't care about you and you are officially just there for them. Not the other way around.

From a psychological perspective a person becomes self aware with these different egos.  In Psychology class I was taught:
ID - Unconscious level of operations (I want to do this now)
EGO - Conscious & Preconscious level of operations (let's compromise)
SUPER EGO - Preconscious level of operations (This is not right to do).

Understand this as, while you are a baby and child you are all about your Id, it is all about how you feel at this moment and it needs to be dealt with NOW.

Then when you are going into puberty and teen years you are more in your Ego. You are more understanding that there are more things going on around you. So you are willing to compromise so you still get your way and the other person gets their way as well.

Then in your 20s and most definitely your 30s and up your Super-Ego develops. You realize that things aren't at all about you. You have to now look after people who are naturally in their Id/Ego. Or you are dealing with people who have reverted back into their Id/Ego. Therefore you do not really matter. Your life revolves around these other people.

Therefore, your purpose is the help these people to transform into their different levels (children into Superego and parents into non-existent) Unless you see it otherwise. I would like to know what you think.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Just Try: it may be a win or one of these lessons

In this early morning of the first day of September, I woke up thinking of the last 2 years in Hotels as a Supervisor. I learnt a lot which was great. Made some great friends and connections. Fucked up ALOT. Disappointed persons I looked up to.

My interactions with people were very hit or miss. Some I was able to discuss with the person to be more cordial with, others was like a complete war zone of passive aggressiveness.

When I started working there, soon after the supervisor resigned. The position was open and other person's in the resort told me to apply. I was not completely certain about it but figured alot of my career choices to that point was all about learning. So I along with a coworker and other ppl from different departments applied. Then I got it.

However, my main take away from that was: Just Try. I say that because in the game we call life, unless we try, we just wouldn't know. This may lead to regret setting in and that hurts more than actually making the mistakes. 

A few things I learnt along the way that will always stick with me while working as a supervisor:

1. Consistency - although learning the new tasks and skills needed for the job may be exciting keeping up that excitement is key. If you start by taking initiative to do things, keep up that momentum. All of these will be noticed when slacked off.

2. Confidentiality - both coworkers, guests, and suppliers require a level of confidentiality in the work place. Of course in a professional standpoint. Don't bring up people's past to others, don't share information which may be deemed as private, and don't share information to other people which is none of their business. This was breeched a few times but not in a way to affect the profession.

3. Integrity - be honest, at all times. Uphold your good morals, at all times. Don't ever betray the trust of your coworkers, superiors or guests. As with everything, it will come back and bite you on the ass. Trust in the workplace is just as vital (if not more vital) than trust in a romantic relationship. I fucked up here and not a day that my mind runs on my hotel career, this doesn't run through my mind.

4. Compassion - just because you can do it doesn't mean others can. Everyone has their issues (physically and mentally). Know them and work accordingly. Don't give someone work that is strenuous when they are physically unable to. Don't give people tasks that they are not completely versed on with out proper guidance. Know what they can and can't do and help where you can.

5. Dependability - this goes both ways. Not only being dependable to your coworkers but also being able to depend on them. If you have a problem don't be afraid to explain that you have a problem. You are human and mistakes will be made.mJust don't turn a mosquito bite into an abscess.

I know this information is all over the place, even in supervisory training manuals, but this is what I learnt which will always be with me.

I would have only learnt this by Just Trying.

It was fun, it was nerve wracking, and most definitely a learning experience. I regret making certain decisions but I had a certain mentality which let me to making those choices. I may not have had this kind of experience with a different superior. She is, if not the best, one of the best leaders I ever had. Although, my goal was to be like her, I should have found my own assertiveness and gone off of that. She was the sticking factor to my staying there so long. 

I was gonna share more in depth details but that would not only be unfair to people I worked with, but also myself cause I had made some big fuck ups. So I am happy I made that leap of faith.



Wednesday, August 4, 2021


So for the past, let's say 20 years, I have been asking what happens during a relationship? What makes a relationship work? What is a relationship?

The answers mainly came along the lines of "Each relationship is different. It is what each person makes it to be." 🤦🏿

I guess I was asking those questions to the wrong people. Cause I have finally come across the answer that is truly what I was looking for over the years.


If only people had just said that I would have been more open to people. At least in the long term.

There are so many factors which made this so difficult for me to figure out. It all pieced together when I came across 3 different information.

1. When someone gets into a relationship they will lose on average 2 friends (I have experienced this several times) 

2. If you want to make friends as an adult go somewhere regularly. The people who are normally there will become acquainted with you and if y'all vibe, y'all become friends.

3. If you want a relationship to prosper (romantic, friend, intimate), hang out alot and get to know each other.

Why did this not click in my head as a young girl reading Mills & Boons, Harlequins, and Temptations Books? Why didn't I see it when it came to all those romantic sitcoms and movies? I used to make fun of the storyline behind all of the books: Man and woman interact and hate each other. Man and woman are forced to have to do some kind of activity together. Man and woman realize that each is pretty cool and have great characteristics. Man and woman fall deeply in love.💓💓💓

If it was that simple, why didn't people just say that? I wouldn't be surprised if they thought that I was already spending time with people (romantic, friends, intimate). When in fact I just stay home and surf the internet. 

There are a few people that I do hang out with periodically but I know that they have deeper connections with people they see on a regular basis. I can't get made at that.

So my goal is to get out there and foster some relationships and see where it goes from there.



Friday, July 23, 2021


Let's talk about Quikserve now ☺️

So Quikserve is a food delivery service. They have a wide variety of restaurants that you can order from. 

Quikserve has been around for several years and has been perfecting their system to ensure both great customer service and efficiency. 

With this company you have the option of paying cash or with your credit/debit card. Like Allmart it is island wide delivery. So you can be at the farthest point of the island and your food will get to you.

You also have the ability to order your food online which means you don't need to download the app. This helps save space on your device (especially if it isn't one of those high tech devices with tons of memory).

Although I work with both Allmart and Quikserve, each if them are awesome in their own way.

Like their Facebook, follow them on Instagram and also check out their website or download the app to make your orders.

Thursday, July 22, 2021


Look how I just dropping names such as AllMart and Quikserve. I bet you don't even know what they are. Let me give a lil explanation of each. 

This post will focus on Allmart as it is where I started.
Allmart Marketplace is an Online Marketplace for local businesses in Antigua. (The soundbite I have been repeating for the past year or so). It has a whole plethora of businesses in Antigua that people can choose from. Then one of the friendly and efficient delivery drivers (😏like me) will delivery it to the location of your choosing, or if you are in the area you can pick it up when you are ready.  It is all about saving time for you. There is also the ability to organize for one of the drivers from Allmart to pick up items from places not listed on the app. 

The app is categorized in this fashion:

From several eateries around the island you can order from. Sushi, Thai, Chinese, Lebonese, Mexican, Indian, Pizza, Crepes, are just to start. With more to come on board in the near future.

Grocery stores
If you are immobile, busy, not a fan of crowds (especially in this Covid Era), or just downright lazy, you can order your groceries from one of several supermarkets and minimarts through the app. The supermarket will pick out your order and pack it. If there are items out of stock, the supermarket would contact you and enquire if you want to substitute or just leave it out all together.

Bakeries and Desserts
Whether you want to have pastries, breads, or lunch in the form of bun and cheese, these can be ordered through the app. Celebrating a birthday, Anniversary, or any other event where you would want a cake. Locally made fudge and other confectioners can also be ordered through the app and delivered to you or a loved one. 

Locally Made
Products that are made locally on island. Health care, Seasonings, Jewelry, Bags, Skin Care, just to name a few.

From the Farm
For the freshest of the fresh, get it straight from the source. Eggs, meat, veggies and fruits.

Wine and Spirits
Party time also includes a few libations. So why not have them delivered to you while you are getting prepared for the events.

Flowers and Gifts
Anniversary, Birthday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, Christmas. So many gift options and floral arrangements that can be ordered for friends, family or even to treat yourself.

Home and Decor
For a lil umph to your living spaces, artwork, accessories, baskets are available.

Health and Care
Body building suppliments, sun screens, skin and face care, hair care.

Clothing and Accessories
Yes, there are a few clothing stores on there. Especially great for order and pickup.

Beauty and Fragrance
Scents galore. Great for personal use and gift giving.

Printers, computers, phones, audio systems, power banks just to name a few.

Books and Toys
Book stores are here, toy stores are here.

School and Office Supplies
For back to school (I know let's not think toouch about that in the middle of summer) and office supplies.

Hardware and Auto Supplies
Did I stutter... (Can I stutter while typing?🤔🤔). Some of the basics can be ordered and be picked out at the store for easy collection.

You thought hardware and automotive supplies were crazy to have on this app. Just start building your home from here 

Check them out on Instagram, Like their Facebook, but most importantly download the app to start ordering today.



Wednesday, July 21, 2021

I'm a Driver

What are you doing now?

The question that I have asked and many have asked me in 2021.

When I was working in the hotels, I felt so much pride. Not just because of the position I held, whether it was HR Assistant/Administrator, Executive Assistant, Guest Services, Hostess in the restaurant, Housekeeping Supervisor, or anything I have done. I was proud because I was doing something I was passionate about, working in hospitality.

Yes. I know hospitality isn't solely hotels. But to me working in the hotels to me had prestige. Kinda like people working in Banks, or Doctors offices, or even Lawyers offices. From the minute I stepped into it fully in 2011, I was in love.

Then came .... Dun dun dun....COVID. Threw me out on my backside and had me second guessing if I really wanted to get back in.  

So the answer to the question is:

I am a delivery driver (for Allmart and Quikserve). 
I have been doing this since August 2020 and have enjoyed it. There is the ups and downs. There are the difficulties and so on but what work place doesn't. 

I have met some great people doing this, both local and international. 

I have been able to pay off a bunch of debt while doing it and even got a new car out of it. Well a new used car, don't think that we making that much money but I wouldn't have considered it until this job.  

I have been to places that I never been to until doing this jobs. Oh yeah. ANTIGUA IS FREAKING GORGEOUS.

Also made some great contacts with different vendors and customers, which would never would have happened if I was working in the hotels.

People's fears of what can happen do make me a bit more cautious. So not carrying too much money on me at one time, all in one place. Cautious driving practices and just being aware of my surroundings 

We will see how things work out in the future and enjoy the ride until then. 



Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Do You Even Blog, Bro

So the question I have right now, on the 20th day of July, 2021, is:

Are people still blogging like before? 

I know I have been very sporadic with my posts but that is because I don't have a computer. Well that is what I tell myself.

But I was going through my reader and noticed most, if not all of my subscriptions no longer post. One of the person's I was following she is on my Instagram, so I reached out to her. I asked her if she still blogged because I noticed her last post was in 2018. Yes. 2018.

She replied:
Hi 😊thanks for reaching out - and thanks for following my blog. Yeah, I stopped blogging a few years ago when my business took over. I’d love to get back into it again but things are pretty busy with the shop, and business is going really well, thankfully! We’ve been good ☺️

I do plan to get back to my blogging roots one day though, we’ll see. And if you haven’t checked out my shop yet, I’d love for you to visit. Be well!

Oohhh. Please do check out her shop on IG:
The Tiny Closet.

I guess that is how it is for most of the other people, where life just took over and blogging fell on the back burner.

I started blogging to get certain thoughts off my chest. Not all the time conversations can be had. So I just blog about it.  

Although I don't have my computer yet. It is a goal to be accomplished soon. I will continue to post through my phone until then. 

I know I know I have said that 😅😅😅

But I need the outlet again. So many things coming in and no way to get it out. 

Welcome to the Life in the Mind of Mayeshah.
Welcome back if you haven't left me.



Friday, May 22, 2020

800 posts! What's next?

So I was going through some of my past posts and noticed one that said 300th post. As I continued I saw the 550th post. I was then wondering how and what did I share with you guys and dolls for me to reach 550.

I then got curious to how many I had actually posted for the world to read (thank goodness it is just a few of you). I counted up what I have published and I reached 798 posts, which was just before I posted about Frida Kahlo. 

I now reached my 800th post between 2006 and 2020. Lots of thoughts out here into the ethos of the world wide web. Random Ish.

Now I wanted to also put a lil extra stuff out there. I have been told, don't share too much personal things about myself on the internet. But if I can share it and maybe, just maybe, have an effect on someone while people have access to the internet, that is worth everything I own and more.

Just before I turned 30, I decided to do a lil Instagram journey. 24 days of Self Love and Acceptance. I had been told that I was so brave to do that and how they appreciated me sharing my journey. But now 2 years later I noticed that I shouldn't try and force myself to love but Indeed learn to accept. Accept what is given for it  can easily be taken away. However, there is no issue with not loving what you have. 

A new friend of mine, who has been a great listener to me, asked me during one of our conversations "why do I hate yourself?" And my answer was "Alot of thing." So going forward in the next few posts I will be sharing my Instagram journey from 2017 along with the actual things I hate about myself. 

I don't do this for content, I don't do this for you as a reader, I don't do this for attention. I do this for me, to get them out my head so that I can deal with them one by one. Maybe someone will read it and see that we are alike, or (more than likely) someone will read it and judge me. Such is life.



Thursday, May 21, 2020

Frida Kahlo

That moment when you realize some of the things you do not have in life, and envy others for.

I just watched the movie Frida and not only do I envy her but I can see where her pain comes from in her paintings. Yes, I know movies are very likely to be glorified versions of the true person. Having some parts slightly altered, omitted, or greatly changed all together for film. However, the first thing that I noticed about Ms Frida Kahlo is her unibrow. 
In my mind she is stunning and (although the word exotic comes to mind, I will use) confident. Seeing her, especially with her unibrow which is ridiculed in today's society, proved that she accepted herself for who she is. This is something that is rare. 

Now onto the movie which stars Salma Hayek as Frida. A few things stood out to me that I wanted to touch on, some of which is cultural and some of it is the individual herself. Passion for life, passion for love, looks of intimacy, a sense of sensuality, and discussions.

During the entire movie, there are moments of passion for life. The singing the laughter, the comradery amongst people. Although they were going through their political instability people still went out there and drank, sang and was merry. I see that in certain settings around me such as Guyanese, Italian, and Mexican groups. I envy them. For it feels like they are living life and not just existing. 

In the beginning of the movie you see Frida and her friend (maybe boyfriend) having sex and although you know that it is just a physical act, their interactions while together shows love between them. You also see that love portrayed with her husband, Diego. They don't hold back, their love is evident. Their love is passionate. Their love is pure. The passion for love being shown is something I never seen in person. In movies, yes; but to be able to feel the love between two people, no. To know that they love the good and the bad about each other. No.

Diego's second wife made a statement to Frida that women are like clay in his hands because of how he looks at them. That look of desire, that look of intimacy. Not lust, but actual intimacy where there is a connection between the 2 persons. Like they are the most beautiful creature ever created. This makes all women melt inside when done right. And few men actually know how to do this.

The sense on sensuality. It is never about the act of sex but the act of sensuality which makes sex so fun. Obviously it starts out with the look of intimacy and desire, then progresses into light touches and kisses, which then profress to passionate kisses and then the act. It is what gets the blood boiling, the heart racing, the juices running. Sensuality has slowly died away. Now it is about a quick fuck to get off or to hold you over until the next fuck. Where is the light kissing, the caressing, the teasing? Long gone as we are now in a society where we don't have enough time for anything. 

Then to end it all, there is Discussions. Sapiosexuals are people who are sexually attracted to intelligence. I find there is a large number of women who are sapiosexuals but settle for what they can get. The ability to have discussions and share thoughts, feelings, intellect, goals, dreams, likes and dislikes. Now that is sexy. Pair that with sensuality, and a man can conquer the world around him.

I adored watching this movie. It has opened my eyes to much more than I thought. Although she struggled with her physical ailments due to that ill fated collision, she lived a life that few would be able to say they ever could.



Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Movie Scores

There is that moment where you noticed that alot of the movies in the past used movie scores to tug that heart string that they didn't get hold of with the story line and acting. 

I just watched Meet Joe Black with Anthony Hopkins and Brad Pitt. 
Near the end of the movie I am all invested in the moment where they are looking into each other's eyes. No words are being said. The all the emotion is being portrayed. I then got side tracked with something, and when I continued watching I noticed the background musical score increasing in tempo, pulling me back into the emotion and romance of the moment.

I never noticed how much that musical score played up on your emotions. Then I thought back to alot of the movies around that time and they all had the same instances. 

I guess it would be weird if the two characters were just looking at each other and you can hear the background chatter or the extras. But I think some movies would incorporate the musical score as a band or a radio playing music in the background. But you know that in movies like Meet Joe Black the score was specifically selected to draw you into the moment. Make you feel all the feels. Make you want to be looked at that way. Make you hold your breath waiting for the kiss.
Waiting to be loved just like that. 

That moment in time I noticed that element of the movie is almost more important than the actual movie itself. 


Moments of truth

When I was a freshman in University, I took a class called Hospitality 101. (Yes, I studied hospitality, actually hotel management). One thing I specifically remembered about this class was learning about Moments of Truth. 

In the hospitality industry you have many opportunities (moments) of changing a guest's experience from a bad one into a good one, and vice versa. As the worker, it is easier to maintain positive guest experiences but you can only swear by your own actions and not that of other people. So you should also be skilled to turn that frown upside down. Return that guest from a negative state of being into a positive.  

Most people I interact with are there for a week to 2 weeks. So you have hundreds of opportunities per day to change the experience.

This also happens in life. You have hundreds of opportunities per day to change your experience. Hundreds of moments of truth each day for the rest of your life. Once your heart beats, there are opportunities. Moments in life is what makes everything worth it.

Let's proceed on a journey of MOMENTS OF TRUTH.



Thursday, March 21, 2019

Canada - Here i come!!!!

Earlier this year, I received  my Canadian Visa. This is exciting and bittersweet because Antigua never needed a Visa to go to Canada. I was right next to it on numerous occasions and never went to see the beautiful country. So as soon as I heard that we need a visa that is when I really wanted to go. Then to go one would have to go to another Caribbean country to get the visa placed in their book and to be fingerprinted.

So after I got my visa I started looking for a cheap fare and a friend of mine put me on to the "Hopper" app. I then found a great deal and had to go for it. However I had to consult my sister as this is just on the cuff of the car accident which occurred in January.

So I got my ticket arranged my vacation and looking for great places to check out whilst there. Will most definitely document that trip.

Looking forward to seeing all my friends and family.



Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Eden Place Apartment

As I had mentioned in the previous post I have rented an apartment which I have placed on several platforms in order to get short term rentals.

The apartment is 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom with a shower. The apartment is very spacious and airy. It is located on All Saints Road next to the Amazing Grace Foundation house. It is located on the main road however is still very peaceful and you are able to relax and get away from the hustle of the everyday life.  You can visit the page right here:

As soon as you walk into the apartment you will see our Living room with a sofa and 2 arm chairs, a coffee table and a TV with Cable. Upgrades to curtains and room lay outs have been made and photos of upgrades will be shared in the near future. Right next to the living room area we have a dining space with a round glass top table where you would be able to eat and bond with your friends or family

As you turn to your left you will see the Kitchen, which has a fridge, a stove, with a few pots and pans included, along with some glassware, and utensils. Also provided are tea and coffee amenities for your early morning fix. We will soon have a microwave and toaster for when you want to reheat your food you brought back after a day exploring the island.

As you make your way toward the rooms you will come across a what not closet where you would be able to find the broom, dustpan, iron and ironing board. This closet is directly on the opposite side  of the bathroom at the other end of the hallway. As you make your way down the hallway you will see on the left our washing area. A washing machine and wash tub is located next to the second entrance and detergent is provided.

On the right of the hallway you will come across the Master Bedroom. This room is the biggest of the two rooms and has a Queen sized bed. This room also has a Television with cable. The view out of the window is of the rolling hills which are full of lush greenery. The room also has a ceiling fan and an air conditioning unit.

The second bedroom is smaller but very cozy. This room has a full sized bed and also has an air conditioning unit and a ceiling fan

Outside the second bedroom is the linen closet where you would be able to find extra sheets and towels.

At the end of the Hallway has the bathroom. The bathroom has a shower and is made extra beautiful with it's sky light in the roof. Soap, shampoo and toilet papers are provided.

When interested in enjoying the fresh air outside while drinking your beverage of choice we have outdoor furniture and you would be able to enjoy the views around your.


While staying on property you will be provided with a parking space which is assigned to the apartment.

Also included is complimentary Wi-Fi.  Visit this page to check out availabilities and specials which are presently being offered.

As upgrades are done I will be posting them for you to take the journey with me.

