Thursday, November 5, 2009


i swear i am tired of prejudgement from ppl. that is why i have no one specific reaction to life. I can b seen as punk, goth, artsy, ghetto, caribbean, european. hell anthing i want to b. and i hate it when ppl hate me bcause i feel a certain way 1 day. i have a roommate who she would look at someone in utter disgust if u dont look a certain way. it is sad to sad that is the main reason i dislike her attitude. but who r we to judge others for what they look like at the moment.who r we to judge what ppl do. we r not the same so what 1 person was raised to do the others see that as a taboo.i am just tired of allllllll this damn judgement. they did not bring me in this world they did not make me and they not gonna die along side me so they dont gotta judge me. ok i am doing this on my knew phone so i am gonna finish this when i am on my actual pc



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