Monday, July 6, 2009

Black Snake Moan

Dear Readers,

I have been partyin it up and missed out a few days so to show what I saw on my American (actually Jamaican) friend's blog.

Songs like this actually make you think of the days when songs had double meanings ( i cant remember what it was called, intaundra or something like that). Because to a child they would be wondering what black snake, and how do they moan. HMMMM But As an adult and been through the high school stage of your life you would know what the BLACK SNAKE is. I love the song ( or it could be i was in a dancing mood since I just watched HSM (High School Musical) 3. Why I watched it I dont know but it wasnt bad. Then right after I played the song and felt like I wanted to dance but I just did a few moves before I remembered that I have a Thorn in my foot (dont ask long story).

So I hope you enjoy it since I just rambled for who knows how long it takes you to read this. ;)



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