Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Gosh, I feel terrible. I just feel like shit!! :( I feel like crying and tearing my hair out at the same time. You might be asking why I feel like this but it is soo many different things just tumbling down on me. But instead of boring you with my depressed (mentally (no I not gonna do it) suicidal) problems.

So I gonna talk to you about the cutest movie I have seen in a LONG LONG time.


The cinematography was sooo good. The story line was a lil unclear at times to me but because it was soo cute I would place it up near Pocahontis as one of my fav movies. The one I saw was actually the one with the subtitles and talkin in Japanese.I loved that one but the one with them talkin english seemed really cool and still the best all round!!!

Well I will holla at you on the flip side



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