Dear Readers,
I shall be talking about 2 things today, maybe 3 if i am haunted enough. I went to a play last night and was grateful I went. I am also looking through some youtube videos, and I shall not try to describe what they are about but they are good understandings about HUMANITY.
The play I went to walk was When We Are Married. It made me think about marriage in a different light. There are 3 couples who were married on the same day, in the same church, by the same minister and they are celebrating their 25th anniversary. Marie and Joe are married, Herbert and Clara are married and Albert and Annie are married. Marie and Joe are a happy couple and work alongside each other very well and have niece who they invited over for the celebration. Clara is a dominant wife and controls Herbert from what he says to what he does. Albert is a commissioner and is very domineering and treats Annie in the same way.
They were having dinner and this young chap comes to the door and the maid Ruby (a 15 y/o girl) brings him into the living area. Ruby knows that the chap likes Marie and Joe's niece and informed the niece they were he was there. The neice comes in and they scurry of into the night only for the chap to come back because Joe, Herbert and Albert has heard that the chap has been fraternizing with an unidentified girl. The chap is the churches organist and had come upon the minister that married the 3 couples 25years ago. The chap continues to inform the 3 gentlemen (who were giving him a hard time about this rumor) that the minister had sent him a letter informing him that while he was working at the church in which he married the 3 couples he was not an authorized minister. So the 3 couples are not married in truth.
The 3 men begin to freak out because they are very well respected men in the community and had begged the chap to keep it a secret while they try to figure out what to do. They go to the club to discuss this info while the women are in a different room. The chap finds another of the maids out in the corridor listening to the discussion. The women come back into the living area and begin to wonder where the men have went and ask Ruby where they had gone and Ruby asks maid2 and comes back telling them that they went to the club. The ladies are upset and wondering why in heaven they would go to the club on their anniversary. Then the men come inside and then goes into the dining room to continue their discussion. Maid2 comes into the living area informing Marie that she is leaving and Marie tells maid2 that she is no longer required to come back (because maid 2 love back chat too much). So before maid 2 left she informed the ladies what she has heard.
This Video is Stayceyann Chin and she brings out some good points about what people expect. Where it can either be one or another while there is soo many middle grounds that it could be.
This Video is about how humanity does things out of fear,greed, or any other feeling that would coerce you to do something that could be good or evil. Enjoy
I feel kinda guilty but I just figured this post it to read in my state of mind right now. So I hope it makes sense to you. lol.
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