Monday, April 13, 2009

If you want it

Dear Readers,

OMG, I got hooked to some really cool guys on youtube and one of them just reminded me of someone I love who is going through a lil state of confusion. (YOU KNOW WHO U R)!!! The name of the Channel is the FIVEblackgUys. They are 5 black gay guys who are from all over America and would post videos discussing the topic of the week. omg they are the best. One is a performer, WalkingWater is his youtube name, and he has such a good soul that you cant help but love him. The next one is a stylist, IsoloveLondon, he reminds me of one of the characters from Girlfriends (Lin) just soo cool and artistic. There is Nvncyble, he is a rouge spirit where he is a gay guy who his mother doesnt approve of it much and he would not inform people that he is gay easily. The Teacher, ElTeddy27, just a crazy lil QT!!! Then is the sexy lips, ALONZOLERONE, always in the bathroom or lickin his lips. WOW!!

But the guy that reminded me of the person I love sooo much is IsoloveLondon (aka London). Hopefully this VIDEO makes this person know what I want to see them doing when they get their dreams out there!!!! ENJOY



1 comment:

Kimolisa said...

I'm feeling what he's saying and I will post on my blog something that is along those lines.