Sunday, November 28, 2010

With the Trans!

So last night I was going through the blogs that i follow and one of them that I have been following for a while now has put up this story. After reading what she had to say and watched the video documentary that the guy had I felt sooo WARM INSIDE!!!!

This is her explanation:

i love this story! it’s hilarious. This guy in Australia, James West, has been on this email chain from the Tran Family who live in Florida for 3 years. They email about Thanksgiving and making all the preparations for it. Somehow they got the wrong James West on the chain and after 3 years he actually responded to an email and asked to be invited to Thanksgiving dinner, and now he’s there in Florida with them!! It’s so funny!

Here is the first of this documentary:

This is his youtube page where you can see how he tracked them down, meeting them, enjoying Thanksgiving,and meeting the actual James West that they were looking for.

Hope it makes you as happy as it made me!!!!



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