Thursday, June 2, 2022

My Fitpot Journey Day 1

As I go through my daily and weekly routines of work, home, Netflix, sleep and repeat, I have been observing a few things happening with my body. 

Between my swollen feet, my knee aches and the consistent brain fog, I have come to the conclusion that it was time for me to lose weight. 

I saw that a friend of mine who had held this event 4 time before was having a fifth season. 


It is a space that gives you financial incentives to lose weight. You join in and pay into the "Pot" and then the money would then be pooled together as the prize pot. As a member we get incentives, exercise and eating guides which we can follow or do what we want to do. At the beginning of the month each participant is weighed and given a goal of 4-5% weight loss. At the end of the 4 weeks another weigh in occurs and the individuals who manage to reach their goals get to divide the Pot.

The last 2 times I joined (Season 1 and 3), I lost because I was going on the basis that just the change in diet would make me lose my allotted 4-5%. This time because of all the actual ailments I am going to incorporate much physical activities and try and maintain good eating habits. I shall be quite transparent with you right now. My starting weight is ...  261.6lbs :( To reach my goal I would have to go down to 249lbs. I shall share my journey hear to keep me extra motivated. Or at least have you hold me accountable. 

Sadly as the first day it posed to be quite difficult. 

This morning I woke up feeling so exhausted that I didn't go on my morning walk with my sister. It took me quite a while to get out of bed much less to do any kind of exercise. 

I crawled out of bed after seeing some of the other participants talking in the support group and decided to do my work outs for the day. My only concern was my knees. So I found a knee friendly exercise and shared it in the group (AMEN TO TIK TOK)


Wall pushups (10reps x 3 sets)

Overhead punches (10reps x 3 sets)

Arm Circles (10reps x 3 sets)

Planks (10 seconds x 3 sets)

Straight Leg Lifts (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Hamstring Curls (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Knee extensions (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Heel & toe raise (10reps x 3 sets)

DIET: I dropped the ball here :( 

Cheese Omelet for breakfast (8am)

Fried Chicken Chow Mein (6pm)

Sautéed Veg and Sheppard's Pie (8pm)

Tomorrow will be better (I hope). 



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