Wednesday, June 8, 2022

My FitPot Journey Day 6

It is day 6 of my Fitpot Journey. I am getting back into this. 🎉🎉 My body doesn't ache for too long after the exercises and with some of these exercises my body is used to them. My eating is more mindful. I enjoy being able to get my salad from Subway for an affordable price. My goal for the day was to drink more water so 70 ounces  (2lt) of water today. I believe that because I started late in beginning to drink water I didn't make that goal.

Below is my day's stats.


Came across this video and liked some of the exercises so I added them in:

Quad Set (10 seconds x 3 sets)

Bridges (10 seconds x 3 sets)

Side lying Hip Abductions(10 seconds x 3 sets)

Bent Leg up crunches (10reps x 3 sets)

Planks (10 seconds x 3 sets)

Straight Leg Lifts (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Hamstring Curls (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Wall Push ups  (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Air punches  (10reps each leg x 3 sets)

Arm circles  (10reps each leg x 3 sets)


Black coffee

3 rice cakes with cheddar cheese and pepperoni slices

Subway Veggie Delight Salad

Stew Pork, Pasta, boiled plantain and steamed cabbage



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