Monday, January 25, 2010

My life (25/1/2010)

I feel so drained and I cant concentrate on anything. :(
I know, I havent been eating properly but how can i eat properly if I have nothing to cook. And then there are alot of papers to do and all kinda shit!!!! FML

I am tired of everything and everyone here. FML

I need to get out of America. NEED TO!!! I feel like an outsider. Even among the Caribbean People. Everyone has someone who shared their experiences. I was at my group meeting and two of the girls were talking about high school and I was thinking in my mind. Their high school is different from mine. So no matter what I will never know what they are talking about. My roommates do it too. They are all american and they go through basically the same experiences and I am like .........o_o........ FML. I just need to get out.

So today I ate a crepe and that was around 11:40 and i didnt eat again until just now 9:20 fml.

Oh did I mention I hate school!! I HATE SCHOOl!!!! I hate school, projects and group projects. (I can live with projects but Group Projects. FML!!!

I dont even know if I want to fume about Any thing else.

Oh K. I spoke to my neighbors downstairs, and they said that they knew it wasnt me,I am too nice to do anything like that. Now I swear if Bn was working for me and she was being a bitch like how she is in her living situation I would try and shoot her and spend my time in Jail. They also mentioned that the sound normally is at the end of the hall and they know I have the first room. So I am in the CLEAR!!! dAMN If only you knew how much I want a beer right now!!! A 6 pak and my assignments and I would be set for the night!!!

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