Thursday, January 21, 2010

The perfect body

It is funny how this will always be an issue and people will always exploit the issue whether about talking about the topic or even making shows about it. Examples of show are How to look good naked and that other show where they help show people how to dress for their body types.

In the videos above they are talking about how the media affects women but it has happened in the past and will happen in the future. Them in the past werent arguing about it. Then one of them was asking if it is making women seem like they are there for the men. If you check that is how everyone made it seem in the past. From the different religions to the different jobs.

Another thing to look at the past presidential elections (in the states) a woman, a black man and a white man was running and the woman was the first to be out of the race. Women will hardly ever get a break. There will always be those people, who even if they dont mean to, will always see women as the weaker sex. It is a damn shame but it is the honest to Betsy truth.



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