Monday, January 25, 2010

Avatar Featurette and other cool stuff!!

After watching Avatar from the aisle of our local cinema in Antigua. I have been in awe by this movie. Now actually seeing the movie being produced is even better.

I want sushi hmm :( I know that is a stray from topic but i just felt the need to want sushi (the need to want LOL)I had sushi last night as well my roomie A's boyfriend did a cool demonstration on how to make sushi. and gave us a few and it was soooo goood!!!!!
BUT BACK TO TOPIC. This is cool!!! And Peter Rallis (moviebuzz) was saying that Avatar was basically the Pocahontas Movie with great Graphics. oooo look what I found:

I saw The Book of Eli last night (23rd) and I was not impressed but it was good. Kinda regretted paying for it. With this all the action was very spaced out but when the action came it was pretty good. There was little explosions (my weakness) and no creatures or bad guys that you just had to love. The bad guy in this was the bad guy in Fifth Element (oh how I love that movie). But I just didnt love him in this movie. But it is worth watching for sure. I just wanted more gore and more action for my buck. The trailer shows all of the action (well all that i remember).

It was a toss up between The Book of Eli and Legion. And my homeslice, Chris (yea I callin you out lol) told me someone said Legion wasnt all that. Damn I wish i know that someone I would put the wrath of Gabriel on his ass. I watched this awesome movie on bootleg (terrible quality) and It still rocked my world. The damn man moved the camera alot and sneezed a couple times. But it was a great, great movie. Had the right amount of fire power. Explosions. hell Even Gabriel rocked my world. I was then thinking if Gabriel was a warrior angel why would God send him to make sure that Jesus was born and all that stuff. In this movie Gabriel had razor sharp wings. Can you imagine Mary sitting down in shock after getting the news that she was preggy with Jesus and then Gabriel turns and cuts her head off by accident. OMG!! (yea I know I going to hell for that thought) YEAAAA!!!! But this movie rocked my world.
Trailer for Legion is wicked cool as well.

Then just a while ago I just finished watching The Spy Next Door. It was a nice cute P.G. Movie. REALLY not something I would pay for. But really entertaining. Hell Jackie Chan is a great actor and I think because of his issues with English and his accent and having to learn his lines, his movies have the greatest outtakes. Here is the trailer.



1 comment:

SwizZ said...

LMAO..thanks for the shout out..I ended watching Legion online..didn't really tickle my fancy..but it was alright. :-)