Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cruelty to Vegetables

Dear Readers,

After watching the video above, I realized I am against PETA, PETV or any of those organizations. Ok, not entirely. PETA is against Cruelty to Animals which is what those big corporations are doing like caging thousands of chickens or cattle in order to be slaughtered in the most inhuman way as possible. But then if you check out the channel for PETA ( you can understand that people are just treating animals cruelly. Here is a video about people killing animals for their fur. How I see it, if it was in the older days when everyone were nomads and they killed an animal and used its meat for food, its bones and skin for weapons and clothing. But this way is just for profits and is very cruel.

Now, PETV, that makes no Mofo senses, there is no cruelty to vegetables because they are grown (like animals) and then reaped (meaning they are killed right there) so there is no cruelty stage. The PETA are not against the eating of meat they are against how they accomplish getting the meat for consumer consumption. My word, if you go to the youtube site with the cruelty to vegetables video and see the amount of people that saying they agree, it just proves the amount of stupid people out there, and yes i say STUPID PEOPLE because there are alot of them!!


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